Sunday 3 August 2014

Product Review: Samsol Shaving Cream

Samsol is a household name in West Asia (India, Pakistan). The Pakistan based company has been around since the 60's and Samsol shaving cream is a trusted name for Pakistani barbers and wet shavers. 

Our review was done on the 75 ml plastic tube. There is a larger tube used mainly by barbers. First impressions are that the tube is quite well presented and the cap opens easily enough. As soon as you open the tube you get the distinct Samsol fragrance. In keeping with the manufacturer's heritage, the fragrance  is somewhat spicy and partly potpourri. A nice exotic fragrance that brings back memories of walking into Pakistani barber shops.  

I must say that I prefer 'on the face' lathering, so I squeezed out just a large pea sized amount of cream and got to work with my badger brush . The lathering is fast and easy.  I was initially concerned due to the slight spiciness of the fragrance that this cream would be a bit strong on the skin. I need not have worried. Samsol lather is extremely mild and gentle. Perfect for use on those winter mornings where you don't  want that menthol 'zing'.

After about a minute or so of lathering I was ready to shave. The rich, creamy Samsol lather offers excellent cushion and glide. No nicks or cuts. Very comfortable shave with hardly any residue left on the face. The lather does not really dry out and lasted through 2 passes without any problem. 

 Overall, a very nice, mild shave cream. The fragrance lasts with you for a while and care should be taken when applying afershave, balm / splash, to avoid a clash. In fact, I would suggest using an Alum stone after shaving would be good enough. 

Conclusion: Highly recommended and excellent value for money. The 75 ml tube costs R29.99 and will definitely go a long way. Perfect for everyday use. 

 - Funny ad for Samsol shaving cream :)

1 When testing out a shave cream I prefer not to use any pre-shave oil or face prep balm.
2 My current blade in rotation was a Gillette 7 o clock, I was using an Italian made open rake safety razor, and a Muhle vintage large badger brush.

For all your wet shaving needs check out our product listings on BidorBuy

1 comment:

  1. Following comments apply to Samsol Shaving Cream for men in Pakistan: Cream itself is runny, doesn't produce lather in sufficient quantity and what it does produce is also not thick. I won't buy this product again and do not recommend others buying it. Inferior quality products on this side of the are hardly ever an accident, mostly it happens by design. Thank you.
